Friday, November 15, 2013

Seeing the End!

We are getting SO excited to get over to Eastern Europe and meet our Camden!

And the end of this process is in sight!  Earlier this week we got our fingerprints done for USCIS approval (US Citizenship and Immigration Services).  Yesterday we talked with the USCIS officer assigned to our case, and she said she thinks we'll get our approval next week!  Please pray with us that it will be early in the week, because we would then be able to send our dossier over to Camden's country with another adoptive family that is traveling over the weekend.

After our dossier gets in the country, the team can translate it and submit it to the adoption authorities there.  Then we wait for them to tell us to come!  Can you imagine what it will be like for us to meet this sweet boy in person?

We pray that God is preparing him for our family, and us for him.  When I typed the title of this blog, I felt a little bit like it was the wrong thing to say, because the END of this adoption process is really an amazing BEGINNING!  The beginning of a huge adjustment for Camden (and us) and a new life in a loving family.  The beginning of new struggles and challenges, but also hope and healing.  Bring it on!

We think we will probably travel to Camden's country sometime in February.  We are getting close to our financial goal to make it possible.  Can you help?  Now is a great time to donate and also get a chance to win an American Girl doll!  See our previous post for details!

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