Saturday, April 24, 2010

Here are the videos, as promised in my last post.

First, one of Birdie saying, "Hi," from a few weeks ago.

Here are the videos from Lydia's Spring Program:

And the ones from the Orthodox Easter midnight service:
The priests coming out to start the procession around the church:

The bell ringer:

Inside the church:

Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed!

A little update on Birdie- I took her to the doctor yesterday, and here are her latest stats:
length: 70 cm
weight: 6.8 kg
head circumference: I forget, but it was in the 75th percentile. Her length was in the 25th percentile, and her weight was off the charts on the low end. Lydia was always like that too. The girls are skinny & smart, like their daddy! :)

1 comment:

CristyLynn said...

Ummm, not just their daddy, silly mama! :)